Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing our real estate referral network services. We are committed to assisting you in your real estate journey. Our refund policy provides clarity on the conditions under which refunds are applicable for our one-time setup fee.

1. One-Time Setup Fee:

When you register for our services, there is a one-time setup fee of $499.00. This fee covers the administrative costs associated with setting up your account and granting access to our referral network.

2. Refund Eligibility:

To qualify for a refund of the one-time setup fee:

  • Successfully close your first deal through our referral network.
  • Provide documented evidence of this within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Adhere to our referral program's terms and actively engage with provided listing prospects.
  • Refunds are not based on lead quality or outcomes.
  • Refunds are not based on lead quality or outcomes.

3. Non-Refundable Scenarios:

  • Refunds are exclusively granted for successfully closing deals through our referral network.
  • If you do not close a deal within the specified timeframe, your eligibility for a refund will expire.
  • Recurring fees or charges associated with ongoing membership or additional services beyond the one-time setup fee are not eligible for refunds.

6. Modifications to the Refund Policy:

  • We retain the right to modify this refund policy as needed. Any changes will be communicated to you via email or updates on our website.
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