Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great


Becoming a part of Dreamlanders

. It starts when you register and select your preferred locations to receive potential clients. Typically, Dreamlanders sends approximately 2-3 referrals each month.


Qualified leads

• All the referrals will have already provided essential details, including their timeframe, budget, requested price, recent renovations or appraisals, and other relevant information.


Digital Appointments

• When clients aim to sell their property with a timeframe exceeding 30 days, we aim to schedule an appointment for you within the next 24 to 48 hours.


Live Transfers

• In the event that the property owner intends to sell their property within 30 days, we prefer to facilitate a live call to connect you directly with the owner. During this call, the owner will personally convey their intention to sell and verify that they are not currently engaged with another agent.


24/7 Support

• We are devoted to aiding our agents in expanding their business by offering them round-the-clock help. Our specialized support team is accessible from Monday to Friday, starting at 8:00 AM and concluding at 5:00 PM.



• We possess over 200 lead origins, including search engines such as Google and Yahoo, diverse websites, and influential figures and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other channels for advertising and connecting with potential

The best solutions

We do the legwork so you can do the magic!

Qualified Leads
Get to know the Lead
Finalize the transaction
Pay at closing
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