Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Once you will sign-up with us within 14 working days you will start getting leads from our side. In case if we couldn’t provide you with any leads in 60 days then you can call us and get your money back but hopefully that won’t happen with our clients, we try our best to provide leads in the very first week to our clients because we want to build a good business relationship.

We will provide you 2 to 3 leads per month on average. And in case in any particular month if we couldn’t provide you with 2 to 3 leads then we will cover that deficit in next month but make sure that we provide you with minimum 12 twice-verified leads. And out of those 12 leads you have to close at the very least 2 deals in 6 months. If you successfully provide us with more than 2 closings in 6 months then you will get the same amount of leads for next 6 months as well without any cost.

There are two ways you will be getting these leads. Most of the time, we schedule a tentative call back on your behalf and will send you the leads through your email along with all the information and recorded conversation. Sometime, Live call transfer if a home seller wants to sell his/her property within 30 days in that case we call you at the same time and merge you both. In case if you are not available at that time then as usual, we schedule a call back and will send you through your email.

We are talking to these home sellers’ multiple times before we send it to you as proof, we provide you with the recorded audio tape along with every single lead where you will get to hear that they are considering selling their properties and they are not in any sort of contract with any other real estate agent.

In that case the membership will expire and we will stop sending you with the leads. Because we are doing our best to make these leads warm and workable for you and you will get minimum 12 leads from us and we are expecting minimum 2 closings from you and with those home sellers we have spoken multiple times also we are providing you with the recorded conversation. So, I think that the conversion rate that we ask for is very reasonable.
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